Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Domain move

I've now moved my blog to which seems to make sense as it matches my twitter name, and it's a name I've used on the Internet for a while.

Now I need to come up with a slightly artistic logo to stick on the site.

I've been out in the car quite a bit over the last couple of days, so I have managed to listen to a lot of Pushing Ice by Alistair Reynolds on audiobook. In homage to this, we have watched Moon and 2001 tonight on Blu-Ray.

Oh yes, I must say the puppy of the day today a silver labrador looks so cute. He can come and live with us and our chocolate Labrador if he wants.

Also I need to confess to being an idiot. I did not spot the section to create unto 10 extra pages on the site. So I actually created 4 blogs and linked them and had to play to give them all the same look. It's a lot easier now I can just create the extra pages.

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