Friday, 22 May 2015

Hardcastle 24


I entered this a few months ago as it sounded fun, I didn't really know what to expect, but for my £70 I got free camping from Friday afternoon if I wanted it (for myself, my OH, and our dog) until we finished on Sunday, a barbecue on the Friday evening and of course my entrance to the 24 hour race.

It was my first 24 hour race, and will not be my last. In fact I've already decided I have to go back next year to do more laps.

I was a bit lazy when it came to course prep, and did zero prep on what the 5km (ish) lap involved, I just knew it was not flat and so a bit more fun than running around a dull flat loop.... Well it certainly wasn't dull. It had a couple of very easy runnable sections, and a couple of hills that were fun, ok, one of them was a complete and utter bitch! I need to go back there to take some pics of the course. (Facebook Group for the race) Anyway (after a crap few months with barely any training due to an annoying knee) I managed to plod around 12 laps before my left calf just became a lump and didn't want to know about hills anymore.

I have to say it was one of the most pleasurable runs I've ever done. The organisers were really friendly, and everyone was so cheerful, also, the fact there were teams competing as well as individuals meant there was always someone hanging around at the start of each lap to say hi to as you plodded around. I just had such a great time and loved it.

Timing was via a chip, so no having to mess around marking how many laps you had done. Oh, I forgot,  in the evening they had a barbecue, and so had hot burgers, n bits of chicken breast for you to grab at the end of your lap. The food on offer was all tasty and in plentiful supply, nearly all of us had our own box full of bits we could nibble on at the end of our laps.

I struggle to review races, I went, I ran, and that's it, but seriously it just felt so friendly and relaxed, I loved it. I am so looking forward to going back next year to do a few more laps.

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