Wednesday, 3 August 2011

What i've been upto and what I want to do.


Please do not faint!! I am a bit stuck working a lot at the moment, but to be honest I am just not very good at doing this blog thing.  I'm still writing book reviews on a very good site and you should spend your time reading lots of the reviews.

I've also signed up to be part of the Angry Robot Army, so I'll review some of their really interesting books.  Great small publisher, which a great offer for an annual supply of all their books as ebooks.  Take a look at their website

So hopefully I will get my busy work period of work out of the way in the next couple of weeks, and then I will try to update this site a bit more!!

Also I am trying to find the time to join in a great idea from @fantasyfaction to write 500 words, a day, and as an author pointed out recently if you type at 60 words a minute, then that's only 9 minutes of your time per day. 

Oh.  I also need a nicer editor to write these blogs it's horrible the basic editor within blogger.

Have fun in whatever you are doing, and just remember read lots of books.

1 comment:

  1. I type my blog in word processor then cut and paste into blog !!
