Friday, 30 October 2015


Well, this year has been bloody hard work not to put to fine a point on it.

Screwing up my knee ligament MCL in January meant the whole year has been a struggle. I would have probably been better off asking 20-12 weeks off completely and then starting again, instead of my ad hoc training which ended up just hurting the knee more I guess.

I've ran around 650 miles this year as a result of my on, off training. I know we still have a couple of months to go, but last year I did 1255 miles in the year.

Oh, I have somehow managed to plod to the end of Leicester marathon last Sunday, very slow, over 5 hours, but hey I got there. I've only done two 10 mile or longer runs in the last four months. But, now I've survived the marathon it's time to get my arse back into gear.

So now it's going to be quite low mileage but keeping healthy and being able to put in consistent miles week in, week out.

What is next.... Well amazingly I won a place as an ambassador to the Milton Keynes marathon. So I have an insane three weeks at the end of April.

My last long training run for MK will be the London Marathon, then MK Marsthon and then 4 days later, Hardcastle 24, where I really want to just keep walking/running for the whole 24 hours, it's a bitch of a 5km looped course :)

So I'll be posting at least a monthly update on my training for MK and these other events.

I'm putting in this insane effort, to try to raise money for Guide Dogs. Because they have always struck me as suck a sensible helping charity, that are trying to make life easier for lots of people.

Good luck with your own training and don't hesitate to shout if you have any questions about Milton Keynes.

I'm on Twitter as @booktrunk and on Facebook


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